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Old Administration Building (OAB)

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Project Status

Measure E Budget: $43,834,851
Total Expenses to Date: $6,954,104
Balance: $36,880,747

Hazardous materials removal and the Blockwall are both expected to complete August 2008. Construction bids were received and awarded at the May Board meeting. Contractors have been mobilized and construction has begun.

Measure E Budget: $30,000,000
Total Expenses to Date: $2,980,997
Balance: $27,019,003

ELS is finalizing the drawings from the DSA back-check comments. It is anticipated to have approved DSA drawings August 2007. The Final EIR will be presented to the Board for certification on August 7, 2007. Hazardous Materials specifications for removal are complete and will be advertised for bid following the EIR certification.

ELS submitted Working Drawings to DSA for approval November 2006, these drawings have been reviewed by DSA and sent to ELS. ELS will review the comments from DSA and resubmit in June 2007. Final approval by DSA expected June 2007. Hazardous Materials survey has been performed. The Hazardous Management Consultant is completing the survey and specifications for removal. The Draft EIR is complete and is in public review. The public review period ends April 26, 2007. A Board meeting is scheduled for May 31, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. to certify the EIR.

ELS submitted Working Drawings to DSA for approval November 2006. Hazardous Materials Management Consultant was selected by the Board at the November 2006 Board meeting. The Hazardous Materials survey is currently in progress and is anticipated to be completed January 2007. EIR is in progress and scheduled for completion Spring 2007.

Project Title: Old Administration Building (OAB)
Funding Source: Measure E

Project Description: Renovation of 100,000 sq. ft. of historic building including seismic retrofit, structural, mechanical and electrical upgrades, and fire life safety and access code compliance. The building will include administration, classrooms, faculty and campus organization offices, auditorium, music/choral, library, staff workrooms and restrooms. The existing walls will remain intact within the new space configuration.

Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2009

Status: The architects (ELS) and district staff have completed the educational programming and initial space utilization for the project. In August 2005 ELS and the structural engineer met with DSA and reviewed the draft EDCR (Evaluation and Design Criteria Report) for structural and fire/life/safety/accessibility. The final EDCR was submitted to DSA for approval November 11, 2005. The EIR is in progress and is scheduled for completion in February 2007. ELS is proceeding with Working Drawings. The Final Project Proposal (FPP) for additional State funding for the east wing was approved by the Board at the June 27, 2006 meeting and was submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office in July 2006. Bringing on significant classroom and faculty space has warranted the development of a campus wide utilization study that is ongoing now As a result of the funding for the Applied Technology project, the Board approved in August 2005 that the allocation for the OAB project be increased by $5.0 million for a total funding allocation from Measure E of $30.0 million. The Board approved at the June 27, 2006 meeting the selection of Harris Construction as the construction management firm for the project.

Estimated Project Budget: Prepared by ELS Architects

Funding Breakdown as of 7/18/2006
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encumbrances Total Expenditures
Design Services 2,415,000 528,603 920,000 522,030 45,000 1,050,633
Consultant Services 894,702 5,678 100,000 20,065 0 25,743
Fees & Other Charges 786,700 45,361 50,000 0 0 45,361
Construction & Equipment 23,381,583 48,024 30,000 29,411 0 77,435
Inspection & Testing 825,000 0 0 0 0 0
Contingency 1,697,015 0 0 0 0 0
Total 30,000,000 627,666 1,100,000 571,506 45,000 1,199,172

Project Title: Old Administration Building (OAB)
Funding Source: Measure E

Project Description: Renovation of 100,000 sq. ft. of historic building including seismic retrofit, structural, mechanical and electrical upgrades, and fire life safety and access code compliance. The building will include administration, classrooms, faculty and campus organization offices, auditorium, music/choral, library, staff workrooms and restrooms. The existing walls will remain intact within the new space configuration.

Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2009

Status: The architects (ELS) and district staff have completed the educational programming and initial space utilization for the project. In August 2005 ELS and the structural engineer met with DSA and reviewed the draft EDCR (Evaluation and Design Criteria Report) for structural and fire/life/safety/accessibility. The final EDCR was submitted to DSA for approval November 11, 2005. The EIR is in progress and is scheduled for completion in October 2006. ELS is proceeding with Working Drawings. Authorization has been received from the State Chancellor’s Office to proceed with the Final Project Proposal (FPP) for additional State funding for the east wing. The FPP will be submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office by July 1, 2006.Bringing on significant classroom and faculty space has warranted the development of a campus wide utilization study that is ongoing now As a result of the funding for the Applied Technology project, the Board approved in August 2005 that the allocation for the OAB project be increased by $5.0 million for a total funding allocation from Measure E of $30.0 million. In February 2006 the District issued a RFQ for construction management services and received proposal from five construction management firms. A selection committee is currently being assembled.

Estimated Project Budget: Prepared by ELS Architects

Funding Breakdown as of 5/1/2006
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encumbrances Total Expenditures
Design Services 2,415,000 528,603 920,000 366,255 160,000 894,858
Consultant Services 894,702 5,678 100,000 14,552 11,500 20,230
Fees & Other Charges 786,700 45,361 50,000 0 0 45,361
Construction & Equipment 23,381,583 48,024 30,000 20,460 8,951 68,484
Inspection & Testing 825,000 0 0 0 0 0
Contingency 1,697,015 0 0 0 0 0
Total 30,000,000 627,666 1,100,000 401,267 180,451 1,028,933

The architects (ELS) and district staff have completed the educational programming and initial space utilization for the project. In August 2005 ELS and the structural engineer met with DSA and reviewed the draft EDCR (Evaluation and Design Criteria Report) for structural and fire/life/safety/accessibility. The final EDCR was submitted to DSA for approval November 11, 2005. The EIR is in progress and is scheduled for completion in October 2006. ELS is proceeding with Working Drawings. Authorization has been received from the State Chancellor’s Office to proceed with the Final Project Proposal (FPP) for additional State funding for the east wing. The FPP will be submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office by July 1, 2006. Bringing on significant classroom and faculty space has warranted the development of a campus wide utilization study that is ongoing now As a result of the funding for the Applied Technology project, the Board approved in August 2005 that the allocation for the OAB project be increased by $5.0 million for a total funding allocation from Measure E of $30.0 million.

Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2009
Funding Source: Measure E

Funding Breakdown as of 1/24/2006
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encumbrances Total Expenditures
Design Services 2,415,000 528,603 920,000 94,236 920,000 622,839
Consultant Services 894,702 5,678 100,000 630 67,939 6,308
Fees & Other Charges 786,700 45,361 50,000 0 0 45,361
Construction & Equipment 23,381,583 48,024 30,000 14,900 14,900 62,924
Inspection & Testing 825,000 0 0 0 0 0
Contingency 1,697,015 0 0 0 0 0
Total 30,000,000 627,666 1,100,000 109,766 1,002,839 737,432

The Old Administration Building (OAB) project continues to move forward even if the progress seems slow and somewhat hidden from the observer.Detailed below are the activities the Architect and Engineers are performing to move the project through the Division of State Architecture (DSA).In reviewing these actions it is important to remember the OAB is one of the first projects to utilize the alternative design and approval with DSA.As such the District’s Design Team must not only perform the ordinary steps for DSA approval but must also develop and have approved a document called the Evaluation and Design Criteria Report (EDCR) which explains in detail the structural methodology to be used in bring the building into compliance with the Field Act.

Update on DSA Approvals

  • In early August ELS (architect) and A.T.Merovich (structural engineer) met with DSA representatives (primarily structural) to review the draft EDCR report (Evaluation and Design Criteria Report).DSA structural was generally very happy with the report noting that they received as many calculations and supporting documentation as they generally receive with full permit submittals.The DSA review was completed with some limited red marks to correct.Andy Merovich (structural engineer) is responding to the red marks and making any revisions relative to field materials testing.The only issue the design team is concerned with at this point, is that some re-bar found in the OAB is smooth vs. de-formed bar and may diminish the capacity of the concrete walls.This is still being research
  • At the same meeting ELS reviewed Fire/LifeSafety/Accessibility with Tom Haltom, DSA Fire and Life Safety Officer, a different reviewer than previous meeting.The matrix and supporting documents prepared as part of the EDCR was reviewed with him.He had no comments, but said he would review further and get back to the architect.In telephone conversation since that meeting, he noted he had no more comments.DSA will have further reviews as the final design and documents are developed but the Fire/LifeSafety/Accessibility portion is near resolve.
  • The final EDCR will be finished and submitted in October, 2005.When the EDCR is accepted by DSA then it, as noted by DSA in many meetings, will become the building code for this project.Any changes made during the design documents will be considered amendments to the EDCR. Between review of the EDCR and the submission of the final documents there will be no formal review, but DSA is available for questions.
  • Tom Winter (DSA Historical Expert) is retiring at the end of the year.There is currently no replacement identified.ELS will emphasize historic issues and work toward resolution with him over the next 3 months.

Update on DesignSchematic (Additions/revisions to previous concept set)
Classroom changes and details to reflect layout adjustments decided upon at recent meetings with Steering Committee.
Location of electrical/data components in classrooms.

  • Revisions to Cafeteria area for mechanical and electrical equipment.
  • Revisions in mechanical rooms to accommodate more precise sizing of mechanical equipment.
  • Some revisions to materials/finishes to accommodate shotcrete locations.
  • Sizing and locating electrical panel rooms.
  • Development of mechanical drawings.
  • Development of electrical drawings.
  • Development of landscape drawings.
  • Materials treatment, especially exterior materials.
  • Window repair/replacement.
  • Detailing elevators requirements and locations.
  • Auditorium systems accommodation.
  • Additional finish schedule/notes on drawings.
  • Toilet room layouts and fixture count verification
  • Incorporate in drawings all back and forth discussion between ELS and Harris during previous pricing effort.Including furnishing drawings as a reference to the construction drawings.

Funding Source: Measure E

Project Description: Renovation of 100,000 sq. ft. of historic building including seismic retrofit, structural, mechanical and electrical upgrades, and fire life safety and access code compliance. The building will include administration, classrooms, faculty and campus organization offices, auditorium, music/choral, library, staff workrooms and restrooms. The existing walls will remain intact within the new space configuration.

Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2009

Status: The architects (ELS) and district staff have completed the educational programming and initial space utilization for the project. In August 2005 ELS and the structural engineer met with DSA and reviewed the draft EDCR (Evaluation and Design Criteria Report) for structural and fire/life/safety/accessibility. The final EDCR will be submitted to DSA for approval in October 2005. Initial studies of the mechanical and electrical systems have been completed and the EIR is in progress. Bringing on significant classroom and faculty space has warranted the development of a campus wide utilization study that is ongoing now. An Initial Project Proposal (IPP) was submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office in June for additional State funding. The District has received Schematic Drawings from ELS and will be meeting with ELS to review in November 2005. As a result of the funding for the Applied Technology project, the Board approved in August 2005 that the allocation for the OAB project be increased by $5.0 million for a total funding allocation from Measure E of $30.0 million.

Estimated Project Budget: Prepared by ELS Architects

Funding Breakdown as of 11/4/2005
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encumbrances Total Expenditures
Design Services 2,415,000 502,740 920,000 30,276 920,000 533,016
Consultant Services 894,702 1,430 100,000 630 67,939 1,790
Fees & Other Charges 786,700 49,389 50,000 0 0 49,389
Construction & Equipment 23,381,583 47,972 30,000 0 14,900 47,972
Inspection & Testing 825,000 0 0 0 0 0
Contingency 1,697,015 0 0 0 0 0
Total 30,000,000 601,531 1,100,000 30,636 1,002,839 632,167

Project Description: Renovation of 100,000 sq. ft. of historic building including seismic retrofit, structural, mechanical and electrical upgrades, and fire life safety and access code compliance. The building will include administration, classrooms, faculty and campus organization offices, auditorium, music/choral, library, staff workrooms and restrooms. The existing walls will remain intact within the new space configuration.

Anticipated Completion Date: 2009

Status: The architects (ELS) and district staff have completed the educational programming and initial space utilization for the project. The structural engineer has evaluated the building for structural integrity and has developed alternative solutions to meet the seismic code. Preliminary testing has been completed for structural analysis. Initial studies of the mechanical and electrical systems have been completed and the EIR is in progress. The initial life/safety and accessibility report has been submitted to DSA. The initial evaluation and design criteria report has been submitted to DSA. Bringing on significant classroom and faculty space has warranted the development of a campus wide utilization study which is ongoing now. Preliminary construction cost estimates have been developed for both alternative seismic solutions. At the May 3, 2005 Board meeting a presentation was given for proposed phasing for Measure E and proposed State funding. The Board gave approval to submit an Initial Project Proposal (IPP) for additional State funding to the State Chancellor’s Office in June. The Board also authorized ELS Architects to proceed with Preliminary Plans and Working Drawings.

Estimated Project Budget: Prepared by ELS Architects
Funding Source: Measure E

Funding Breakdown as of 8/19/2005
  Estimated Project Budget 2002-05 Actual Expenditures 2005-06 Budget 2005-06 Expenditures to date 2005-06 Encumbrances Total Expenditures
Design Services 2,156,015 502,740 920,000 0 0 502,740
Consultant Services 894,702 1,430 100,000 0 0 1,430
Fees & Other Charges 1,135,115 49,389 50,000 0 0 49,389
Construction & Equipment 18,292,153 47,972 30,000 0 0 47,972
Inspection & Testing 825,000 0 0 0 0 0
Contingency 1,697,015 0 0 0 0 0
Total 25,000,000 601,531 1,100,000 30,636 1,002,839 601,531

The following will be submitted to the Board at the May 3, 2005 meeting: Proposed phasing for Measure E and proposed State funding; approval to submit an Initial Project Proposal (IPP) for additional State funding to the State Chancellor’s Office in June; authorization for ELS Architects to proceed with Preliminary Plans and Working Drawings.

The architects (ELS) and district staff have completed the educational programming and initial space utilization for the project. The structural engineer has evaluated the building for structural integrity and has developed alternative solutions to meet the seismic code. Initial studies of the mechanical and electrical systems and the EIR are in progress as well. The initial life/safety and accessibility report has been submitted to DSA. The initial evaluation and design criteria report has been submitted to DSA. Bringing on significant classroom and faculty space has warranted the development of a campus wide utilization study which is ongoing now. Preliminary construction cost estimates are being developed for both alternative seismic solutions.

The architects (ELS) and district staff have been working to finalize the interior schematics for the project. It currently looks as if most of the existing walls will remain intact and position with the new classroom configuration. The administrative office spaces are still to be evaluated for proper configuration. The structural engineer is on site evaluating the building.

ELS has had several meetings with the District Leadership Team and College Steering Committee. In addition, Fresno City College held a college-wide forum with ELS presenting, to explain the project and answer questions, which was attended by college staff and some public.

The Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø Board of Trustees at its September 2 meeting selected and authorized the administration to enter into an agreement with ELS Architectural and Urban Design to act as the project architects. The administration is in contract negotiations with ELS Architectural and Urban Design and anticipates work to begin on the concept phase of the project this month.