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Project Status

Project Title: Reedley College Modernization Projects

Measure E Budget: $15,262,000

Total Expenses to Date: $698,794

Balance: $14,563,206

Design development is in progress. Drawings are scheduled to be submitted to DSA Fall 2007 and anticipated to be received back Spring 2008. The bidding and construction process is scheduled to start Fall 2008.

Design is in progress and is scheduled to be submitted to DSA Fall 2007 and anticipated to be received back Spring 2008. Following approval from DSA and the bidding process, construction scheduled to start Fall 2008.

Project Title: Reedley College Modernization Projects

Funding Source: Measure E - $15,262,000

Project Description:

  • Classrooms/Offices Modernization
  • Student Center Modernization
  • Bookstore Modernization
  • Health/Fitness Modernization

The scope of each of the projects has not been determined.

Anticipated Completion Date: 2008

Status: There have been ongoing meetings between Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects and the college regarding master planning and design criteria for identification of project components and scope. As was previously presented to the Bond Oversight Committee, the Board approved at the April 2006 Board Meeting amendments to the District’s Measure E Bond implementation plan that include the modernization of the existing bookstore.

Estimated Project Budget: Budget for master planning is $50,000. Budgets will be defined when project scopes have been established.

Funding Source: Measure E - $15,262,000

Project Description:

  • Classrooms/Offices Modernization
  • Student Center Modernization
  • Bookstore Modernization
  • Health/Fitness Modernization

The scope of each of the projects has not been determined.

Anticipated Completion Date: 2008

Status: The Board approved Phillips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects as the project architect at the September 6, 2005 meeting. District held initial kick-off meeting with PMSM on October 6, 2005.