
Coronavirus Resources District information pertaining to Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Student COVID Reporting and Return Procedures

Jan 28, 2022 —

These procedures have been revised to align with recently updated guidance from the California Department of Public Health and Cal-OSHA. These COVID guidelines are for students who take classes on campus and/or work on campus.

Positive COVID Test and/or Symptoms

If you experience any COVID symptoms*** or if you test positive for COVID-19:

  • Stay home and self-isolate. Do not come onto campus.
  • Contact your instructors for instructions on how to stay current with your classes during isolation.
  • Report symptoms and/or positive test via your campus COVID reporting system.
  • You will be asked to provide the date of symptom onset, date of positive test, date you were last on campus, etc. You will be provided with instructions on isolation and how you can be cleared to return to campus.

If you are a student worker, in addition to the instructions above, you also must:

  • Submit proof of positive PCR or an antigen test result** to HR
  • Not return to work on-site until you have satisfied the criteria provided by HR.

Isolation Guidelines

Students testing positive will need to isolate for 10 days from the date of symptom onset or date of testing, if asymptomatic. You can return to campus on day 11 as long as your symptoms have resolved.

Isolation can be shortened to 5 days if symptoms are not present or are resolving and a rapid antigen test** administered on day 5 or later is negative. A negative PCR test will also be accepted. PCR tests are available free of charge at campus testing centers. If you meet the criteria to return to campus after 5 days of isolation, you must wear a well-fitting face covering (surgical mask, KN95 mask or N95 mask only) when around others (indoors or outdoors) for a total of 10 days from onset of symptoms or date of test.

You may stop isolation early after the improvement of symptoms for 24-hours without the use of fever-reducing medications if any of the following occur:

  • You are evaluated by a health care facility and receive a negative PCR or rapid antigen COVID-19 test** or
  • A health care provider issues documentation that your condition is not COVID-19 related or is not subject to any isolation/quarantine order or
  • A health care provider has made an alternative diagnosis based on a diagnostic test such as a positive strep screen or a positive screen for influenza.

COVID Close Contact Exposure

If you have had close contact* with an individual who has symptoms of COVID and/or has tested positive for COVID-19:

If you are fully vaccinated and boosted* or if you are fully vaccinated and not yet eligible to get a booster **** and you are not experiencing any COVID symptoms, you are not required to quarantine. You will need to wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days from the exposure date and should test on day 5. If symptoms develop and/or you subsequently test positive, you will need to isolate and follow the protocol for positive COVID Test and/or Symptoms.

Proof of booster will be required.

If you have not been vaccinated or are vaccinated and booster-eligible****, but did not yet receive your booster, you are required to stay home and quarantine.

  • Contact your instructors for instructions on how to stay current with your classes during quarantine.
  • Report your close contact exposure via your campus COVID reporting system.
  • You will be asked to provide the most recent date of close contact.

Quarantine Guidelines

If you have not been vaccinated or are booster eligible**** and did not receive your booster at least 14 days preceding the date of exposure, you will quarantine from campus for 10 days following the date of exposure. Quarantine can end after day 5 if symptoms are not present and a rapid antigen test administered on day 5 or later is negative**. You will need to provide your campus Nurse with proof of a negative rapid antigen test result. A negative PCR test will also be accepted. PCR tests are available free of charge at the campus testing centers.

If you meet the criteria to return to campus after 5 days of quarantine, you must wear a well-fitting face covering (surgical mask, KN95 mask or N95 mask only) when around others (indoors or outdoors) for a total of 10 days from date of your most recent close contact exposure

*Close contact is defined as someone who has been within 6 feet of an infected person masked or unmasked, indoor or outdoor, for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, cumulative time, during the infectious period.

For the purposes of determining a close contact, cumulative time is defined as the period of time of exposure to any/all COVID-19 positive person(s), and is calculated as 15 minutes or more of cumulative time where a close contact has been in contact to a person(s) positive with COVID-19 while that person(s) was infectious - i.e. – 2 days prior to symptom onset while symptomatic, or 2 days prior to test date if asymptomatic, up to the last contact with the COVID-19 positive person(s).

**Rapid antigen tests that are self-administered and self-read will not be accepted. Home rapid antigen tests that are completed via telehealth with a licensed medical professional are accepted.

***COVID-19 Symptoms

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

****Booster-Eligibility is defined as 5 months following two doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine (or combination of the two), 2 months following a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and 6 months following a mix and match series of FDA- approved/authorized and/or WHO-Emergency Use COVID vaccines.