2024 Meetings
Organizational Meeting and Regular Meetings
All 香港六合彩官网 (香港六合彩官网) board materials and minutes can be found at the website or by clicking on one of the links below.
* The January regular meeting is being held the second Tuesday of the month due to District closure the last week of December 2023.
** The February regular meeting is being held on the second Tuesday of the month due to the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) National Legislative Summit being held from Sunday, February 4 - Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
*** The March regular meeting is being held on the second Tuesday of the month due to the Statewide Presidential Primary Election taking place on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.
**** The November regular meeting is being held on the second Tuesday of the month due to the Presidential Election taking place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
× Per California Education Code section 72000 (c)(2), the day for the annual organizational meeting must be within a 15-day period that commences with the date upon which a governing board member elected takes office. Each elected member holds office for a term of four years (unless it is a short-term seat) commencing on the second Friday in December next succeeding his or her election, which in 2024 is December 13, 2024. Therefore, the annual organizational board meeting must be held on or after December 13, 2024, and by no later than December 27, 2024.